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What does it mean to bank stem cells?Banking stem cells is acquiring and storing your stem cells in a safe place so when you need them, they are ready for your withdrawal. We prepare a Master Stem Cell Bank from your initial tissue deposit that can provide you, on average, over 1000 therapeutic doses for stem cell treatment in the future. Click here for details.
How do you extract stem cells?After receiving the placenta, we carefully remove the amniotic membrane, a thin tissue that covers the outside of the placenta.The stem cells are extracted from the amniotic membrane.
What happens to my placenta?After we remove the amniotic membrane, a thin tissue covering the outside of the placenta, the rest of the placenta will be appropriately discarded.
What is a Master Cell Bank?A Master Cell Bank are master cells that are stored at various generations. In the future, these master cells are used to manufacture over 1000 treatments over the course of a lifetime.
Is the banking process painful for the mother or the baby?Absolutely not. The cells used for Newborn Stem Cell Banking come from the placenta. The whole process is not invasive in any way.
How do I take my placenta?Let your physician or midwife know that you would like to take your placenta for stem cell storage. Letting them know in advance will help them prepare the placenta for release. After the baby is born, they will appropriately package the placenta for you.
Why bank MSCs now, before they are FDA approved for use?"Banking MSCs from the placenta is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity since it can only happen at birth. The advantage of banking at birth is that the MSCs will be stored from Day 1. This means that if there is a need for stem cells early on in life, cells can be accessed without the need for an invasive procedure. Also, banked cells can be released in the event of an emergency or life-threatening circumstance. Banking your stem cells ensures you’ll have access to future treatments as they become available. Hope Biosciences' cultured stem cells are being actively studied in FDA authorized clinical trials. Click here for an up-to-date list of active studies.
What is the advantage to banking now instead of waiting until my child needs the cells?Birth, is the one and only time when a child's stem cells can be harvested completely uninvasively. If a child is found to have a life threatening condition early on, they could have access to their banked cells from birth.
What is the difference between Hope Biosciences stem cell banking and other stem cell banks?Hope Biosciences uses our proprietary process and culture media to create your own Master Cell Bank which can produce, on average, more than 1000 therapeutic doses, on demand. We are the only clinical grade stem cell bank in the nation that banks pure MSCs from both adults and newborns. We do not bank tissue or blood. We simply bank the cells that matter. Learn more here.
Why is stem cell banking with Hope Biosciences so expensive?Hope Biosciences does not throw your tissue or blood in a freezer and expect that you will have viable cells to use in the future. We ensure that pure Mesenchymal Stem Cells that we bank from you are banked in a way that can generate over 1000 treatments that can be used in the future. This 5-7 week patented banking process in exclusively available only at Hope Biosciences.
How can I use the cells that I have banked?Currently, in the United States, the cells that we process are considered drug products. Therefore, we can only release them in FDA approved clinical trials. Many bankers are participating in clinical trials utilizing their own stem cells. Click here for a comprehensive list of active clinical trials using Hope Biosciences' stem cells.
What happens if there are no stem cells in the placenta?Hope Biosciences' Peace-of-Mind Guarantee: If we are unable to successfully process and bank your stem cells, every penny will be refunded.
I have more questions. How can I get answers?Call to speak to a banking specialist at 832-975-8840. You can also find more information about stem cells and our technology by subscribing to our YouTube channel.
Do the stored stem cells ever expire?No. They can be stored indefinitely.
What if I would like to encapuslate my placenta?You sure can! After the amniotic membrane is removed, we can safely store the placenta for pick up. The rest of the placenta can be encapsulated.
What does it mean to bank stem cells?Banking stem cells is acquiring and storing your stem cells in a safe place so when you need them, they are ready for your withdrawal. We prepare a Master Stem Cell Bank from your initial tissue deposit that can provide you, on average, over 1000 therapeutic doses for stem cell treatment in the future. Click here for details.
How do you get stem cells from me?We use your own fat tissue. Unfortunately, we only need 1 tablespoon of it.
How do you get my fat tissue to make my Master Cell Bank?A mini-liposuction procedure is performed in a plastic surgeon's office.
Is the mini-liposuction procedure painful?The procedure is considered virtually painless due to the use of local anesthesia.
Are there age limits for fat collection to bank my Master Cell Bank?No. All adults are candidates. Children are individually evaluated and paired with an expert who can conduct the procedure.
Will I be put to sleep for the fat extraction?No. The extraction is performed using local anesthesia.
Can I use my own plastic surgeon or dermatologist to collect my fat?Absolutely. You will need to pay for it independently. We will be happy to provide them with a collection form and instructions for our specific requirements for the specimen. Our banking fee is all inclusive and we are not able to discount it.
Why bank MSCs now, before they are FDA approved for use?"Clients are banking prior to FDA approval for a number of reasons including ready access in the event of an emergency. Banking your stem cells ensures you’ll have access to future treatments as they become available. Hope Biosciences' cultured stem cells are being actively studied in FDA authorized clinical trials. Click here for an up-to-date list of active studies.
What is the advantage to banking now instead of waiting until I need the cells?It takes between 5-7 weeks to create your Master Cell Bank of MSCs from the day of fat extraction. However, if the MSCs are already banked, a dose can be prepared in as little as 7 days. Though there are claims that the quality of your stem cells is impacted with age, we believe that your MSCs within your fat tissue maintain their characteristics and function regardless of age. However, we recommend banking earlier than later, in case of emergency.
What is the difference between Hope Biosciences stem cell banking and other stem cell banks?Hope Biosciences uses our proprietary process and culture media to create your own Master Cell Bank which can produce, on average, more than 1000 therapeutic doses, on demand. We are the only clinical grade stem cell bank in the nation that banks pure MSCs from both adults and newborns. We do not bank tissue or blood. We simply bank the cells that matter. Learn more here.
Why is stem cell banking with Hope Biosciences so expensive?Hope Biosciences does not throw your tissue or blood in a freezer and expect that you will have viable cells to use in the future. We ensure that pure Mesenchymal Stem Cells that we bank from you are banked in a way that can generate over 1000 treatments that can be used in the future. This 5-7 week patented banking process in exclusively available only at Hope Biosciences.
How can I use the cells that I have banked?Currently, in the United States, the cells that we process are considered drug products. Therefore, we can only release them in FDA approved clinical trials. Many bankers are participating in clinical trials utilizing their own stem cells. Click here for a comprehensive list of active clinical trials using Hope Biosciences' stem cells.
What happens if there are no stem cells in my fat?Hope Biosciences' Peace-of-Mind Guarantee: If we are unable to successfully process and bank your stem cells, we will repeat the process at no additional cost or every penny will be refunded.
I have more questions. How can I get answers?Call to speak to a banking specialist at 832-975-8840. You can also find more information about stem cells and our technology by subscribing to our YouTube channel.
How can one receive stem cells for the purposes of treatment?There are 3 pathways to receive cells that are manufactured by Hope Biosciences: Clinical Trials -This is the recommended avenue to receive treatment. The patient must qualify for the trial in order to participate. Please visit our clinical trials page for a listing of trials by indication. Expanded Access- Also known as compassionate use, this program allows patients to enroll in a special clinical trial specifically designed for the patient or a group of select patients. This program is applicable in cases where one does not qualify for a clinical trial and the patient has exhausted all treatment options. Currently we are accepting expanded access requests through the Hope Biosciences Stem Cell Research Foundation. Please contact them if you are interested in this program. Right to Try - This program is designed for patients diagnosed with life-threatening diseases or conditions who have exhausted all approve treatment options and are unable to participate in a clinical trial to access drugs that have not yet been approved by the FDA. Please read FDA's Fact Sheet for more information. If you are interested in participating in this program, please contact
What is a clinical trial?A clinical trial is a study that helps test whether a new treatment or medication is safe and effective. Clinical trials are also used to determine if a new treatment is better than the current standard of care (the drug or treatment doctors currently prescribe).
Should I take part in a clinical trial?This is a question only you can answer. You must be comfortbale with taking a drug that does not have the safety profile associated with the drugs traditionally found at a pharmacy. The first step is to talk to your primary physician. Your doctor should be able to discuss the potential risks and benefits of participating in a trial, as well as if you qualify for participation. Participating in a clinical trial means that you are helping to advance science while accessing new investigational products in development. It also means that your full participation is necessary to fulfilling accurate data collection. Before you commit to participating in a trial, please make sure that you are capable of adhering to the entire study protocol and attend all the visits according to study schedule.
How much does it cost to participate in a clinical trial?Nothing! We do not charge any fees to participate in a clinical trial that we sponsor. Please keep in mind that as of 2021, trials utilizing autologous stem cells (one's own HB-adMSCs) will require that participants already have their stem cells banked with us. By definition, in order for us to produce stem cells for the patient, we will need a working master cell bank. Autologous stem cell banking is a commercial service done outside of any clinical trial. Please click here for more banking information. Allogeneic (donor) stem cell studies do not require any autologous stem cells that are banked. Therefore there are no banking related costs.
What is expanded access?Expanded access, otherwise known as, compassionate use, is a treatment pathway typically designed for a single patient or a small group of patients. This program is reserved for those who would be unlikely clinical trial candidates and those who have exhausted all other treatment options. Read more about expanded access on the FDA website.
How can I participate in an expanded access trial?Our expanded access program is maintained and executed by the Hope Biosciences Stem Cell Research Foundation. Please contact them directly for expanded access inquiries.
How are the clinical trials regulated?All of our clinical trials are FDA approved protcols. Additionally, we have an independent IRB that reviews the protcols and consents.
Who conducts the trials?Each clinical trial is assigned to a principal investigator (PI). The PI is never an employee of Hope Biosciences and is typically an independent contractor or affiliated with a third party research organization or a university. The trial itself is run at a site. Hope Biosciences qualifies each research site which can be a third party research organization, university or the Hope Biosciences Stem Cell Research Foundation.
How can I stay informed of new trials?We will keep our website up-to-date and we will make new trial announcements via twitter.
Does Hope Biosciences accept 'Right to Try' patients?The Right to Try Act is another way for patients who have been diagnosed with life-threatening diseases or conditions who have tried all approved options and who are unable to participate in a clinical trial to access certain unapproved treatments. Currently, Hope Biosciences will review Right to Try requests on a case-by-case basis. If you are interested in this program, please email .
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